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General Website Disclaimer

We endeavour to ensure that the information on our web site is accurate and reliable. It must not be relied on as statements or representations of fact as the information does not constitute any part of an offer or contract. The sellers do not make any representation or give any such warranty in relation to the property and we in turn have no such authority to do so on behalf of them. Any information contained within the NP Estates site or otherwise is given without responsibility on our part. We strongly recommend that all the information that we provide about each property is verified by yourself or your advisors.

We have not tested any systems or appliances at any of the properties featured.

All information obtained by us is solely for the use of NP Estates and is not given out to any third party.

Follow the link below to download our complaints procedure.  Please also note the address for the TPO ( The Property Ombudsman ) is as follows: The Property Ombudsman Ltd, Milford House, 43-45 Milford St, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 2BP. Tel: 01722 333 306. Web:

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