Council approved offers to help you save on energy bills.
There are up to 40 home improvements that residents across Greater Manchester may be eligible for.
Whatever you’re planning, right now there are Council approved offers available for homeowners and private landlords which could help households save on bills - all year round and for years to come.
There are up to 40 home improvements that residents across Greater Manchester may be eligible for. Some homes may even be able to apply for funding* (time-limited) or a discount* towards installing improvements.
Depending on the type of home and the area you live in*, here’s a snapshot of the offers:
New external doors and double glazing (from single glazing) Solar panels (PV) – which create free day time electricity all year New energy efficient boiler Insulation (loft, cavity wall, solid wall)For a limited time, residents in certain areas can apply to become a ‘show home’ and receive up to £12,000 toward installing energy saving improvements
And many more … Some of these initiatives are for a limited time, so be quick. All measures are government supported and are part of a drive to reduce carbon usage within Greater Manchester communities. See which home improvements are suitable for your home to help save on bills: Call the friendly advisers at Greater Manchester Energy Advice: 0800 009 3363 / 0161 234 5460 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) *Offers are subject to availability, survey, terms and conditions. The solar panel (PV) offer includes the option to buy and gain from the feed-in tariff or suitable homes may be eligible for free solar panels. For free solar panels, houses need to be south facing, detached, semi detached or a bungalow).