FEARS are rising for fed-up residents on a street where a collapsed house wall has gone unrepaired for almost three weeks.
Uncertainty surrounds who will pay for repairs to three homes in Ash Street, Failsworth, and when work might start. There are concerns that more houses could be affected by the collapse.
At least one insurance firm, Barclays, has declined a claim, saying its experts believe the collapse was caused by corroded wall-ties - classed as wear and tear, and not covered. Poor service during the claim has resulted in the only pay out so far - for £100.
But no one has received a penny from any insurer towards the estimated £6,000 repair bill. Mrs Ashcroft’s son, Tony, posed with the £100 cheque yesterday to highlight the situation.Mrs Ashcroft’s home is one of three so far effected. Now some residents fear problems could effect other homes, and are calling for urgent action.
Resident Andrew Hopkins (48) said: “I’ve spoken to councillors and they have tried to be helpful. but we are still going round in circles. The buildings are in the same state and residents are in the dark about what might happen.
“The properties are vulnerable. People are sleeping in back rooms and coming and going to friends and relatives’ homes. We can’t carry on like this. Something needs to be done.”
Oldham Council erected scaffolding and offered emergency accommodation after the collapse, but isn’t responsible for repairs because the houses are privately owned.
Councillor John Battye said: “This needs urgent action. We hope to call all residents to a meeting at Failsworth Town Hall. There is a suggestion about the council doing the work and then putting a charge to recoup money in the future. I would not like to build up any hopes. We cannot give any assurances.”