Are These Best New NW Buildings? RIBA Shortlist Announced ….

Manchester region has a strong presence

North West buildings that have been shortlisted for the regional RIBA Awards.

From a starting field of 33 the judges selected quite a mixture; the subtle grandeur of the Carmelite monastery in Liverpool by Austin-Smith:Lord LLP; the same firm’s redefining of Liverpool Central Library; the elegant extension to Trafford Town Hall by 5plus Architects that manages to enhance the listed building and the drama of the Highfield Humanities College in Blackpool by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios.

Hats off too to the owners of two private houses in Manchester who backed their architect’s vision to add more light and practical living space to their family homes.

Andrew Ruffler, Regional Director of RIBA North West, said: “The region has produced an incredibly strong and varied shortlist of buildings and practices. The regional jury had an extremely difficult task this year, particularly as the North West had the highest amount of projects of value £20m+ outside of London, so it is encouraging that regional practices and smaller schemes have also been recognised by the jury.”

All shortlisted buildings will be assessed by a regional jury with the winners announced on 17 April at an awards bash at ‘OH ME OH MY’ in Liverpool. Regional winners are then considered for a RIBA National Award to be announced in June.

Carmelite Monastery, Liverpool by Austin-Smith:Lord LLP Carmalite Monestry
Egerton Road North, Manchester by Ollier SmurthwaiteEgerton Rd Nth
Enterprise South Liverpool Academy, Liverpool by BDP Enterprise South
Everyman Theatre, Liverpool by Haworth Tompkins Everyman Theatre
Highfield Humanities College, Blackpool by Feilden CleggHighfield Humanities
Lancaster Cohousing Project, Lancaster by Eco Arc Ltd Lancaster Cohousing
Manchester School of Art, Manchester by Feilden CleggManchester School Of Art
Number One Riverside, Rochdale by FaulknerBrownsNo1 Riverside
Trafford Town Hall, Trafford by 5plusTrafford Town Hall
Triptych, Manchester by Blee Halligan Tryptich
University of Cumbria, by John McAslan + Partners University Of Cumbria

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